The primary season ran from 1 November 2015 to 5 June 2016. The show stars Mouni Roy, Arjun Bijlani and Adaa Khan. The second season was on TV from 8 October 2016 to 25 June 2017. The show featured Mouni Roy, Karanvir Bohra, and Adaa Khan. Season 6 aired on …
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Colors TV is preparing for another season of Naagin. It is called Naagin 7 Season and will have cutting-edge characters and thrilling stunts. It is set before the story of Naagin 6.
What Happened In the Next?
According to the latest news, almost on the lines of Naagin Season 7, Naagin is the young lady of Priya and Rehan. Main), Rehan and Priya quarrel and are unusually cheerful, actually hating the reality that they have to overcome various problems. the story of Naagin 7 revolves around the powers of Rehan and Priya’s young lady, her favorite delivery man and a cruel soul. Unused in Naagin 7, Naagin has unusual powers that make her less inclined to hurt cruel forces. Naagmani Naagin Season 7 is going to be the first urgent parcel.
Visit our website for the latest information about upcoming events and announcements. Let’s find out if Naagin 7 can empower many in the next few weeks or will be able to work just like Naagin 6.